This incredible machine will fit through any household doorway, it can also be moved up and down stairs for access to hard to reach rooms and basements.
Due to the unique design this machine can be taken apart and rebuilt onsite for easy and safe manoeuvrability.
This excellent piece of machinery will drill to a depth of over 40 meters.
A flexible and robust boring technique suitable for exploratory holes in many soils and groundwater conditions including made ground, clay, sands, gravel and weak or weathered bedrock materials. Typically operated to 40m depth although capable of move in suitable ground.
Capable of obtaining standard U 100 undisturbed samples, small and large bulk samples in a variety of ground conditions and piston samples, small and large bulk samples in a variety of ground conditions and piston samples in soft clay or peat.
The rig is also suitable for carrying out SPT's and water monitoring i.e: falling head tests and rising head tests.
Available with 150 mm, 200 mm and 250 mm diameter castings and drop tools if required, enabling deep borehole construction and sealing of various soil / groundwater horizons
Suited for geotechnical and contaminated land investigations in most superficial materials. The boreholes are also suitable for permeability testing and long term monitoring instrumentation including those for gas, groundwater, ground settlement/heave, slip etc.
Shell and Auger have been involved in site investigation work for 25 years. We are a small independent drilling company offering a variety of machines for site investigation drilling, from a standard towing 150 dando, through to our unique 150 narrow track mounted cut down machine, which can also be taken apart and carried to any bore hole location no matter how remote or inaccessible.
We can also supply a machine with an electric motor to cut out noise and pollution for environmental drilling.
These machines are for piling from 150 mm up to a diameter of 300 mm whether they are percussive piles or augured piles
The narrow track mounted cut down machine will fit through a doorway of 800 mm and drill with a restricted height of two meters for either piling or investigation drilling.
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